Guiding Points Workshop
Your Personal Compass
Wednesday, April 12, 2023
11:00 am EST / 10:00 am CST / 9:00 am MTN / 8:00 am PST
You missed out!
Knowing our Guiding Points (your personal values, your career values and your motivational skills) will help insure you are in the spot where you can shine your light to God.
In this 90 min workshop we will uncover your personal values, career values and motivational skills. Every participant will receive three Trello board upon registration. We will spend time reviewing and tweaking each board to ensure everyone understands their personal information. A personal review will also be available following the workshop if you are interested.
Your Work place is a place where your testimony can shine or can tarnish the name of Jesus Christ. The way we approach work can testify of our trust, hope and belief in God. Or can testify of our flesh. KNOW that ALL YOUR WORK IS FOR THE LORD.
Our values and skills are our Guiding Points. They are the compass to guides us through the choices of our lives. Watch the video introducing you to the importance of values and skills.
- Personal Values
- Career Values
- Motivational Skills
Personal Values
Your values are the things you believe are important in the way you live. They determine your priorities, and are the measure you use to tell if your life is turning out the way you want. You want to use your values as your personal compass, you need spend the time to discover them.
Career Values
Your career values represent the beliefs you have about what is important in your work, and what makes it meaningful to you. When you ask, "What job/ career is right for me?" Don't be surprised to realize you already have all the answers inside yourself. You have career values, the characteristics of your work you find important.
Motivational Skills
You have spent a lifetime developing skills, finding hobbies and interest, and developing motivational skills. By taking the time to discover your motivating skills, you will understand what you like to do and why you do things the way you do.
“You guide me with your counsel, and afterward you will receive me to glory.”
Psalms 73:24
What our clients are saying:
Each one should test their own actions. Then they can take pride in themselves alone, without comparing themselves to someone else, for one each should carry their own load.
Galatians 6:4-5
Lesa Dale // Founder and Owner LifeWalkGPS
Lesa Dale helps individuals make better life decisions by understanding their gifts, personalities, and strengths. A contemporary Christian Life and Career Coach, and certified in Spiritual Gifts/DISC training, Lesa is the founder of LifeWalkGPS, where she engages individuals to reach their fullest potential.
"I love helping my clients discover how God created them. It's like getting to see the fabric God used to knit them together!"
Lesa Dale