When we live our purpose we attract God's provision!

Join this FREE online training experience for Christ-centered women coaches, content-creators, and service-providers who desire to sign clients, grow their online business, and create abundance while honoring God!

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Welcome mighty woman of strength and valor!

Now is the time to start creating the business God designed you to build!

God Designed Business is a FREE week-long coaching and training experience with Lesa Dale, a Spirit-led Christian Business Coach, for women called by God to create a business - You give permission and rise to others in your circle every time you say yes to God’s plan and blueprint for you.
God Designed Business

God created us for business. Learn  what it takes to discover how God created you, and find the business module most suited to your unique combination of gifts, personalities and strengths.

Women just like you, are found throughout the Bible, establishing businesses and taking their place in the market. Your God-led business can become its own ministry.

Abundance Mindset

God of the universe (not the universe) has your back. Learn what the Bible has to say about money and business (and what it means for you), identify hidden money blocks, and move from scarcity thinking to embrace a truly biblically-based abundance mindset that will open up divine possibilities and opportunities. Money is the kindergarten of faith.

We are to rest in God's grace rather than grind in the worldview so many are pushing.

Dream with God

Are you ready to launch your business? Are you sure of the type of business God created you to build? Are you a content creator, a service provider, a coach, or a product producer?

Who are you serving? How can you help? What are you offering?

God has called you to the marketplace! Are you going to answer the call?

Workshop Calendar

Mon, June 28

God Designed Business

Discovering how God created you, and find the business module most suited to your unique combination of gifts, personalities and strengths is the first step to establish a God Designed Business. We will walk through some combinations to see exactly how they are suited to different business modules.

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM CST

2:00 PM EST / 12:00 PM MST / 11:00 AM PST

Tues, June 29

Abundance Mindset

Money is one of the most talked about topics in the Bible. We have to come to grips with so many teachings in the world today and look at God's promised provision. We'll also look at some money blocks and "sacred cows" to embrace a biblical mindset regarding abundance to open divine possibilities and opportunities.

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM CST

2:00 PM EST / 12:00 PM MST / 11:00 AM PST

Wed, June 30

Dream with God

It's time to get into the nitty gritty. If you try to serve everyone, you'll wind up serving no one! We need to ask God exactly who He is calling us to serve.

Join Lesa as she walks through the steps you need to establish yourself online, connect with prospects and convert them into paying clients with integrity.

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM CST

2:00 PM EST / 12:00 PM MST / 11:00 AM PST

Thurs, July 1

Bonus: Tech to Get Started

Many of the "tools" everyone thinks they need are unnecessary to get started. But they eventually need to be put in place. We will look at what you need, and some of the "next" steps you will want to make as you prepare to scale.

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM CST

2:00 PM EST / 12:00 PM MST / 11:00 AM PST

Fri, July 2

Q & A and Coaching

Lesa is going to spend time answering your burning questions and one lucky participant will get a coaching sessions.

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM CST

2:00 PM EST / 12:00 PM MST / 11:00 AM PST

Sat & Sun

Weekend Catch Up

Take time to catch up on the workshops and coaching replays over the weekend!

Make sure you come to the Facebook group to get any extra support or training you need.

Here is what a few of our clients are saying...


Getting Focused

As a stay-at-home mom working toward building my own business, this program has been instrumental in my planning process. It has helped me realize my strengths and weaknesses as well as narrow down my areas of focus to business models that will be fulfilling and not draining. It has assisted me in achieving a level of self-realization I simply didn't have before. I recommend this as a great program for those just starting out as well as for experienced entrepreneurs who perhaps just need a little help refocusing.

Cindy Howard - Happily Exploring My Options

Lesa Dale is phenomenal! Her one-on-one coaching was focused & thorough. She was able to meet me where I was & take me where I needed to go. All in easy, no-nonsense step. She saved my business hundreds!

Deven Vasko - Homeschool Housecalls

Musician on a Mission

I first started Lesa's program only knowing that I had a passion for pursuing music and no clear direction to achieve that. Through the program, I learned important aspects of myself and what my strengths and weaknesses are. One such instance of this was when Lesa told me, based on my strengths, that I would be a good teacher. At first, I rejected that idea, saying that I didn't want to be a teacher but a performer. A couple of years later, I have embraced what Lesa showed me about myself and am not only a musician and composer, but I also have 16 music students and 5 years of teaching experience. The clarity I gained from Lesa's program about my calling will continue to aid in my future success.

Rebecca M. Reed - Merritt Music Studio

Blown away!

"I was blown away by Lesa's insight and knowledge as she helped me understand my gifts, personality traits, and movements. She really helped me align my gifts with my personality and practical skills in a way that gave me the confidence to step up as a leader and pursue my dream of running my own successful business. Understanding my leadership style has also made managing a team so much easier."

Finding God's Purpose and Calling for My Life

Before I found Lesa I was confused, uncertain, insecure, feeling desperate and hopeless about my role in God's kingdom. Through the Irrevocable course with Lesa, God has shown me how valuable I am to Him and that my unique gifts have purpose and meaning. My time with Lesa has been remarkable. She is kind, compassionate, dedicated, and clearly, God has inspired her to help people like me who are searching for their place and purpose in His kingdom. I am excited, amazed, and hopeful about this new journey of discovery God is leading me on. I cannot recommend her enough to others seeking guidance, direction, purpose, and meaning for their next steps to discovering purpose for their lives. Thank you, Lesa! You are an amazing woman of God!

Donna Stricklin - Christian Entrepreneur

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