Self Paced Course

Discovering and exercising your God-given spiritual gifts, personality traits, values, and aptitude allows you to experience maximum fulfillment with minimum frustration in all aspects of your life, from relationships to your career to ministry.

For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable. Romans 11:29 ESV

Complete Career Assessment Package

In this comprehensive Discerning My Calling program, your student will identify their personal and career values, discover their motivational skills, explore their spiritual gifts, and put everything into action. Throughout the program, your student will complete several valuable assessments to help them understand themselves and the unique gifts they have to offer.


What We Use & MAPP

Get to know your coach and guide, Lesa. You will get a general overview of the program, with a discussion of each tool used throughout the program. Your MAPP assessment will be sent via email.

Guiding Points (Part 1)

Motivational Skills

You have spent a lifetime developing skills, finding hobbies and interest, and developing motivational skills.  By taking the time to discover your motivating skills, you will understand what you like to do and why you do things the way you do.

Guiding Points (Part 2)

Personal & Career Values

Everyone has values, both personal values and career values. These values are guidelines for our life and work. By becoming aware of these important factors, you will learn to use them as a guide to make all of your important decisions.

Soul Imprint

Personality & Movement

Our personality says so much about who we are. The more you know about yourself, the better you understand others and determine the best way to interact with those you work with.

Spiritual Gifts 

Motivational Gifts of the Spirit

God created us with a plan in mind. We are imbibed with natural gifts given at birth and spiritual gifts given to us by the Holy Spirit. Our gifts are to reflect God’s plan in every aspect of our lives.

Putting It All Together

1:1 Coaching Session

Once your student has all the pieces and has learned a lot about themselves and God’s plan for them, they will schedule a time for one-on-one coaching with Lesa to talk it through.

Designed with a purpose and a plan!

For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. Psalms 139:13

Scientist have proven this repeatedly with their discoveries. God has given us all a unique design from the moment we are conceived. We have unique finger prints, voice prints, retina scans, and DNA. The only exception is identical twins. And they become more unique as they develop into the person God created them to be.

Echoing Psalms, 

Before I shaped you in the womb, I knew all about you. Before you saw the light of day, I had holy plans for you: A prophet to the nations - that's what I had in mind for you. Jeremiah 1:5 MSG

The Course also comes with some awesome bonuses!

  1. 1
    Dream With God Bundle -  How to Dream with God to find His Vision for Your Life!  This includes LifeStones, goal setting at it's best, Vision Board, and Life Plans (Vision Board and Life Plan are being added soon, your access will be immediate once they are completed.). Habakkuk 2:2-3
  2. 2
    Other Bonuses Included: Online access to a private Facebook Group and Right Now Media's Work, a faith-based video library designed to help you flourish in every area of life.

What our clients are saying:


My daughter took Lesa’s course, Discerning My Calling, Fall of 2018. When she went into the course, she was very set and determined on a career choice that I KNEW would burn her out and make her unhappy. But, in a true young adult fashion, she had it figured out. By putting her through the course, she has grown significantly in her understanding of HERSELF, her STRENGTHS, her WEAKNESSES, and her ability to discern positive opportunities in her life - rather than the emotional time-suckers. She is more prepared to be open to the blessings of the Lord, and she is going into college and adulthood with a good, solid foundation. I would recommend this course to teens, college students and young adults that are not sure what to do next. I also would suggest checking out some of Lesa’s other courses for ADULTS if you also find yourself needing to hone in and figure out who YOU are!

Heather Reed - Travel Specialist

We went through the program at co-op. I found it really interesting to learn about myself. I will soon be following my career in culinary arts.

Daniel P. - Student

My mother didn’t know why my aptitude test said Accounting, but when my DISC Profile and Spiritual Gifts said S/C- Steady Competent and Giving, Accounting is now my career choice.

Dustin M. - Student

When I started this course, I had decided on a career that I now understand would not have been fulfilling. After going through this course, however, I learned that true to my overachieving, D/C, assertive-yet-practical personality I was leaving myself with no room for other possibilities. I learned that setting goals for my future with God’s plan for me in mind instead of just my own were what was missing in my life. I still don’t know what path I’m going to take in my career, but I do know that my trust in Him in discerning my calling is what will lead me to a brighter future.

Rebecca Reed - Student

I knew from the start that I was not interested in college. This program helped me settle on a career as a diesel mechanic and helped set me on a path to make it happen.

Kenny W. - Student

OMGOODNESS! Lesa Dale is fabulous! You won’t be disappointed! My two high schoolers attended her class “Discerning My Calling” this year. Not only was the content excellent, but she also puts a personal touch in supporting & encouraging your teens to become all that God has called them to be. I can not wait until the next set of teens are old enough to attend their class. Thank you so very much, Lesa.

Lesa Dale  //  Founder and Owner LifeWalkGPS

Lesa Dale helps individuals make better life decisions by understanding their gifts, personalities, and strengths. A contemporary Christian Life and Career Coach, and certified in Spiritual Gifts/DISC training, Lesa is the founder of LifeWalkGPS, where she engages individuals to reach their fullest potential.

"I love helping my clients discover how God created them. It's like getting to see the fabric God used to knit them together!"

Lesa Dale

Lesa has worked alongside our ministry and academy leadership teams for the past ten years. Lesa believes God created each person with a unique purpose and she delights in helping people discover the beauty of their God-given strengths. Her experience and expertise in assessing personalities, movements, and giftings has been an incredible asset to our team. Her work with the students in our Academy has helped them to launch into a more focused career path. Lesa created and implemented an assessment and training program to align the giftings, skills, and passions of our staff and congregants with their fulfilling place in ministry. Her efforts have greatly helped the cohesiveness of our leadership team as we have learned to understand better and value our diverse, unique differences and strengths.

Lesa Dale has been a friend and co-minister with me for over ten years in our local church. As her friend and Pastor, I can testify of her character and integrity. She has demonstrated remarkable resilience, tenacity and a willingness to learn and grow. She serves in multiple roles at Northside. She is willing to do the mundane and menial task to care for the important behind the scenes needs, and when she is asked to step forward to lead, she also does a great job.

As a Pastor, it is wonderful to find someone as gifted and versatile, as well as someone willing to help in various roles. She remains humble and servant-hearted in all her roles at our church. I would highly recommend her to your company.
